Doggy Dreamland

Another fine day with just a wee chill in the air. My morning stupor of toil was broken by a text from People Twitcher suggesting I nip up at lunch for a quick sarnie and a taste of her most excellent brownies. A fine break in the day and a good old natter was had. She is now trying to get me to pop my "blondie" cherry....I am sure I am being led astray!

After tea we headed out to Tentsmuir for a spot of evening fresh air and VERY fresh it was too. Heading straight down from the north, or so it seemed! There had been a heavy shower before we set off and there were a couple of rainbows out at sea but they were too far out for my little p&s to reach. So you have been spared these.

Oscar was off lead again as the place was pretty quiet. I love the way he just wanders off sniffing on his own. It seems like the perfect place for him!

Working from home tomorrow, so I think a mid week snifter is called for :) Cheers blippers x

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