And Now for Something Completely Different ;)

The day didn't get off to a good start with a near miss on the A914 or on the way to work. On the bend just after the Pickletillum a lorry coming in the opposite direction to me suddenly came upon a cyclist and decided that braking was not the best option, rather he would move over on to my side of the road. I braked rapidly and mouthed a few choice words. No harm done apart from my nerves being in tatters Now I know that the lorry driver should have been aware of what was up ahead and should have made provision for the safety of the cyclist. Chances are he never saw him. While I am all for people riding bikes, I do have to question their sanity in using a busy commuter road with many hidden bends....

Anyhoo with that out of the way I headed out at lunchtime in order to preserve what little is left of my sanity I headed into town with my camera in hand for a change of scenery. It was a fine afternoon and the city was looking almostpleasant. So a wee bit of choice in blippage

I ended up in The Howff (am now wondering as I write this if it was linked in some way to the morning's event ;-) ) The Howff is an ancient burial ground in the centre of the city. It was originally the gardens of a Greyfriars monastery up until the mid 16th century. Thereafter, it was handed over to the city by Mary Queen of Scots to be used as a burial ground for the town.

In the mid 17th century it was used as a meeting place (or Howff) by the nine trades of Dundee (Bakers, Shoemaker, Glovers, Tailors, Fleshers, Hammermen, Bonnetmakers, Weavers and Dyers)

It ceased to be used for new burials in the mid 19th century when it became overcrowded and unsanitary!

For the members of the Secret Postcard Society it is also the burial place of John Chalmers, the inventor of the adhesive stamp! Where would we be without him???

The image shows one of the many graves which depict a skull and cross bone. Not a sign of disease leading to death but just death itself. I rather liked the shadows.

A fascinating place.....I may go back :)

Off to watch GBBO.....the boys appear to have lost their sense of self preservation and have some football match or other on.....for now...

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