No opportunity for blipping this evening, so the only thing I had in my bag was a standby shot of the FRB taken this morning "just incase".

We were back to work today and with Mrs P working in the hospital she popped in a couple of times to see my Aunt who's now very depressed. We think she's frustrated with herself for falling and has started to imagine what the future holds for them both.

I can't see my Aunt getting out within the next month (or even within the next two) and don't think she'll be able to care for Uncle anymore, which means both of them will need to be in residential care. No idea how all of that works, so lots to talk about with the Social worker who's going to be assessing my Uncle next week. We'll find out tomorrow what he really thinks of the care home and his thoughts on what he would like to happen. I think it's really important that we don't make all the decisions for him. His legs might not work very well, and he can't always get the words out, but his mind is still fully there and it's his life after all so ultimately he needs to decide what he want's and we have to support him.

In addition to my snoring, Mrs P couldn't sleep much last night thinking about it and told me this morning she was full of dread about what could happen. Her and me both (although I can and have slept through thunderstorms right above the house, very little keeps me from sleep!).


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