
Well today wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. Mrs P and my cousin found somewhere for the dogs to go for a month, we took Uncle up to the hospital to see Aunt, and then took him to the care home in fife.

The staff were really nice, came out as soon as we arrived and helped get him settled in then went over everything with us. It helped that we arrived at meal time as he headed off and had haggis, neaps & tatties, but it was sad when we had to go and leave him. I don't think he's had that in years so its something different for him. Theres a few people in there on respite care, one of which was also in the services, so they are going to sit them together and see if they get chatting.

Mrs P's organisational skills shone through as she had all meds, repeat prescriptions, health notes etc etc and when the manager found out she was a nurse she even said "wow, your super organised, do you want a job?". She's been a real star the last few days, organising everything, keeping everyone updated and my cousin seems to have noticed and stepped up without standing on her toes which is good as she's less stressed about him 'taking over'.

I think the rest of the family have had words with him and let him know how much she does for both my Aunt and Uncle each week. I've spent more time with him than i have for years today and chatted about a lot of things, much of which he knew nothing about. He's staying up here for the rest of the week so is coming to ours for dinner on Thursday then we can chat what to do. Meeting with Social worker is next week and we'll have a better picture of the future after that.

Managed to get out blipping tonight to relax. Theres something very soothing about standing a few feet away from waves crashing against the shore.


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