Fighting Gulls

It seems funny that 2 days ago I was watching the "giant" gulls on a beach in Maine, and now I'm watching these guys on the roof of an empty building. Why are they so less annoying when they're on a beautiful seashore?

I tried to re-create the conditions of Maine. I took a glob of toothpaste, swished it around in my mouth, spit it into my hand, then put it on top of my I had been bombed. I took out my large McDonalds cup full of water, and sprinkled in 3-4 tiny packages of salt. I splashed it all over my face, and even snorted a few drops up my nose. I thought it would be like being by the Atlantic. All it did was burn my eyes, and make me cough up "seawater." least my hair was minty fresh.

The last couple of days were very long, and I had some Internet issues. I back-blipped the last 2 days. Have a look if you are so inclined. They involve an idiot at the shore, and a visit to a kazoo factory.

Always great to go...Always great to get home.

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