Not a heatwave

Not a whiff of a heatwave, not a glimmer of sunshine and yes- thick fat mizzle. Nonetheless, a good day has been had for we went off to Schull late this afetrnoon and have just returned after an eventful time at the Fastnet Film Festival:
cup of tea and a bakewell slice to get bearings
new opening at the Blue House Gallery (multi-media, island theme)
a showing of Man of Aran (classic but challenging)
supper at the hotel, rather good
a screening of the Program - a fictional account of the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong, directed by Stephen Frears who was to be guest of honour but has been taken ill (very well done, fascinating, plenty of room for discussion)
a stroll back to the car where David Puttnam was also leaving
Not bad for a little village.
And now .... bath!

Don't forget you can still put an entry in for DS83: theme Story. I think I've terrified everyone - there was only me and Marlieske last time I looked*. It doesn't have to be the Booker!
* Himself says HasitsCloud has put in an excellent entry, off to look
** and Cherryflapjack and 60Plus!!!

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