Boat Shed, Grunay

It was a misty start to the day, and remained misty until 5pm, and then it's been a lovely sunny evening.  The mist cleared earlier in other areas.

Up early at 6am, and caught the ferry to Whalsay at 7am with my boss Ian Tait and Brian Johnson, lighthouse man.  The next ferry was onwards to Skerries.  On arrival, friend Marina had welcomed us with tea, fresh bannocks and homemade rhubarb jam.  We then headed out to Grunay with Douglas Anderson.  Ian got various artefacts for the museum from the shore station, and then I headed out to the old lighthouse accommodation blocks for a look.  After we finished on the isle, back to Bruray to look at an old house.  Marina made us more bannocks for tea, before heading out on the ferry and back on the mainland by 10pm.  Been a long day, knackered!

One of our missions for the day was to sort out the old boat shed at the shore station.  It's been part of the lighthouse, and been here for over 100 years.  It has taken a bad battering for winter gales a few years ago, and now in a dangerous situation.  We have dismantled the shed and remove the wood and bruck, and the old shed will never be seen again.  This is Douglas Anderson busy working on the left, and Brian Johnson on the right.  Taken at the boat shed, Grunay, Skerries.  

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