trotting, treasures torte and trilling

Weather beautiful today in Vienna– though perhaps not as hot as at home (?!). 
Saw the Lipitzaner horses training at the Spanish Riding school.  Not the full show but an example of horse riding skills.  See extra.
Then on to the State Treasury.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen an exhibition of such voluptuousness or antiquity. The sword of Charlemagne (AD 800-900); a piece of the True Cross [sic] used in coronations of Holy Emperors since the 10th Century, along with the Lance also used in the ceremonies.  Coronation robes far exceeding the Galliano creations of the other day with detailed embroidery and brocade. Intricate jewellery with jewel-encrusted crowns– the jewels in some cases the size of eggs.  Robes from the 10th century; vestments and tabards from the 14th century; garments and chains from the order of the Golden Fleece (!).  So much to see and all linking back over the centuries of rule and power.  And the scale of the Hapsburg empire.  Also Extra
Lunch in the sunshine by the Hofburg Palace followed by Sacher Torte.  A wander round the parks and buildings then led us to the Parliament and the Rathaus.
There, choirs were gathering for an event tomorrow so we were treated to some music and signing.   On then to the VotivKirche – created to celebrate the survival of the Emperor from an assassination attempt.  Some gift!
The day was rounded off with a drink in a café then back to the apartment for a light supper –and sorting out 500 photos!! 

The blip and the 2 extras sum up the day.

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