Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Reflections in the Sun 5

Just for a change! Back to reflections in the sun :)

Its a wonderful sunny day here (just a shame I have to go to work) :)

Brought out an old bottle I've had for years, think its a juice bottle or something. Anyway, I've just floated black ink on the top. Such fascinating patterns~unfortunately I didn't get to capture the best which was one drip going down! By the time I got to the sun in the garden, the ink was dropping down more quickly.... Next time I'll try doing the additions in the garden ;)

Boosted and inverted colours! What do blippers think?

List of the day:

Washing almost finished!
Soup made in the slow cooker yesterday to the freezer (already done)
Dr's (again)
Quick sandwich lunch
Shopping (which may not get done if I'm too tired tonight)!

We have a big Country Show here this weekend (and probably horse racing as well), and I want to try and stay off the roads as much as possible! It jams the town up completely.....thanks to the bad town planners (and it'll get worse if they have their way with housing being built near the racecourse).

Roll on my normal weekend off. Not doing anything exciting (just backup night with Street Pastors on Saturday), but at least some time for me to just chill:)

Have a great day blippers :)

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