Reaching for the sky
"...And what if my marble were the moon?"
Walking along the lake in the town of Montreux, I came across this statue of a little boy perched at the top of a ladder. He holds a small marble up towards the sky and the words above were written as part of a poem, in French, at the base of the ladder. I found the whole thing so sweet and poetic that I wanted to share it with you today.
I've enclosed an extract from the poem, in French, which appeared between the rungs of the ladder.
Translation from the French extract in extras:
"On his ladder in the mist,
He is as light as a feather.
He looks towards the sky
which has lost its honey-coloured planet,
He offers his only possession
as if...his marble were the moon."
If you would like to read the whole poem, it can be seen here:
The artist who made the statue is a young woman called Sara.H.
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