Love and hugs

Tonight I journeyed down the motorway to the town where I went to school and did much of my growing up. In many ways, it has not changed. Garden City Chinese is still there (half chips, half rice, with neon pink sweet and sour sauce - a staple lunch on Thursday market day!) and although the pubs might have attempted to adjust their image and clientele, really they haven't.

So, the picture is blurry as it was getting dark (and we asked a drunk man to take the photo). We were not drunk, although onlookers might have thought we were for all of the hysterical laughter and silliness.

It was just such a lovely few hours. Laughter, a few tears, reminiscing about school days (discovered that apparently our year were the worst in terms of A level results in the history of the sixth form - badge of honour right there!!!) and reflecting on the cliques and characters of our formative years.

Hopefully, it won't be so long next time. Grateful that social media has brought us all back together. The internet isn't all bad!

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