creative lenna

By creativelenna

happy photo

This was my most favorite photo from yesterday; my mom talking on the phone, smiling! Steven has been away ~ gone to Wolfe Island in Ontario, Canada to open up the family cottage with his brothers. It's a weekend where they all pitch in and get the water hooked up to the un-winterized cottage, fix leaks, mow grass, open the shutters, etc. Get it ready for the summer visits. They sleep in sleeping bags so as not to have to do laundry!! Steve reports it's been sunny & warmish (65 F) but the St Lawrence River is freezing (50 F) and there is also flooding, with 12" of water over the docks. Yikes! 

Back home in sunny Florida, it has been very quiet here. Chloe & I have been taking 1-2 walks a day which has been lovely. My mom asked me to go out to dinner on Saturday, since she knew I would be missing Steve. So sweet!! We decided to go to the Ringling Museum first, because we are both interested in roses and there is a huge rose garden there. I thought we could see which ones did well in our climate. My mom was AMAZED at how many different varieties were thriving there. I took photos of the roses we liked & their names and I will share my favorite in the "extra photos".  It is called Tiffany, a Hybrid Tea. I think that type of rose is what I like the best. We also did a "walk through" tour on our own (no docent) of the Ca' d' Zan - the Ringling Mansion located right on Sarasota Bay. I'll add a extra of that. It is so impressive! My mom said no need for a docent, I was her personal tour guide because I have been through the museum many times... so nice of her to say! Also, while we were there we saw someone get down on his knees on the patio and propose to his girlfriend - she said yes!! 

Today's photo of my mom is after our visit to the Ringing. We drove back to Mom's house before going out to dinner to check on the dogs. Chloe came along with me and was hanging out with my mom's three dogs, Imp, Loki & Beda. This was so much better for Chloe than staying home all alone, all by herself for many hours. In the photo, my mom is talking to an old family friend who called and obviously enjoying the conversation! She is not fond of having her photo taken . . . but I was taking some pictures of the dogs & saw my opportunity to catch a great moment! We had a wonderful afternoon & evening together..... and Steve will be home tomorrow -Yay! He and I will travel to Wolfe Island together in July :o) 

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