
By AnnieBScotland

fresh from the garden...

sadly not mine - Mr Morrison's.

was caught by my neighbour musing over a bunch of Peruvian asparagus, wondering if my conscience could stand the food miles for a treat, but put it back in favour of good, british, in-season garden pea pods. there is something very nostalgic about shelling peas but musing again about the fact that fresh vegetables are not actually that cheap, no wonder frozen ones are so popular. this bag cost £1.50 for one meal and the pods in the compost bin. a whole bag of frozen peas is about the same and they are supposed to be just as nutritious.

does anyone else worry about food miles? I do up to a point, but we love mangoes, and pineapples, though at the moment we are eating a lot of scottish soft fruit.

this is a bit of an emergency blip really - today was cold, grey and everything looked flat and uninteresting. now I have run out of time, dinner to cook and eat and digest before aquafit at 7.15 and not back till 9. no chance of a brilliant sunset, so the peas have it!

I did grow the black peppermint though!

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