
By Beewriter


I woke up with a slightly muzzy head after the gins last night (I won't drink again for a while!), but I was ready when Sue picked me up at 9:30am. We went for a jolly jaunt to Chester. It was a drizzly, mizzly start, but it stopped eventually....although I have serious hair frizz now.

We had a good old mooch around all the shops and a stroll along the river. We looked at the pedal boats and the rowing boats and thought back to the dragon boat races last weekend, "Shall we?" I said. Thank goodness Sue said no....ha ha ha. It was wet and grey and not the day for pottering about on the river. I can't pedal those boats with my knee at the moment anyway. After the op maybe.....

I did treat myself to a fifties swing dress with a full I need to go to a fifties event. 

I've suggested we have 'Superheroes' day at work where we raise money for the Manchester Appeal. When I spotted a fancy dress shop we went in to weigh up costumes. We have a standing joke at work that I am Wonder Woman (I can turn just like her, but that's about it lol), Amanda is Superwoman and Sue wants to be Storm. We had a laugh looking at everything.

It was a lovely day. 

Did I say I wouldn't drink again for a while?.....Well I had a sneaky G&T with Jennifer in her garden when I arrived home tonight....but that's it for a while, honestly. 

What a good weekend :)

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