Water Bomb!

The sun was shining and there was all the promise of a glorious day at the crack of dawn...and I was working. I was in town by 7:30am and loading up the blood bags and sample boxes. 

It wasn't a busy day, everyone must have been out playing in the sunshine...lucky things. Anyway, we had lunch outside, then there was a short bleed time before we finished and packed up the lorry at super 'quick lets hurry up and get home and enjoy the bank holiday weekend' speed.

I hadn't got a pic so I decided to try and get a photo of the fledgling wrens that have recently hatched in the nesting box outside my kitchen window or the mother bringing them a beak full of wriggly food....I failed. Well I was poised and ready , but even though I hid and stood like a statue, the mother was too nervous to approach the box. I was getting an aching arm so I decided to do a water bomb pic instead. 

I could only find three balloons...the pressure was on. This was the best of the lot. I have soggy trousers now, but at least I have a blip ha ha ha ha. 

Now what shall I do tomorrow...any suggestions......

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