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By skiesnsunsets

Declaration of war

I'm not quite sure how to explain this. At lunchtime this afternoon two of my grandchildren declared war on their mum and me. They proposed we set up two ' forts' and fight each other. S set up the rules of engagement: and tried very hard (and hilariously) to get her 4 year old sister to understand what it was all about. Each pair would build a fort out of blankets and chairs. Theirs would be by the front door and their mum's and mine would be in the sitting room. We would each be armed with kitchen implements and saucepan lid shields. The aim was to capture the opposing team's fort. Poppy was to be umpire and photographer. 

There was much fun as we got ready and tried on various headgear. For some reason L decided on a winter hat and scarf. Finally Poppy shouted Go!

With a yell of War! the younger team attacked the older team with gusto brandishing their kitchen spoons and bashing us with their shields. Somehow they out-manouvered us and got into our fort and yelled victory! Not to be outdone, while they were celebrating their victory we ran for their fort and took that. The young desperados valiantly fought to get their fort back and captured the two infiltrators., binding me up with a scarf and pushing their mum into our fort which they had taken and bashing her to keep her there. At which point we conceded defeat and suggested they celebrated their victory with ice lolllies.

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