
By CharlotteJ

Can I have a minute?.

These five little single words.....bring me dread! This is all I have heard today - no correction it starts with tap, tap, followed by 'can I have a minute'? ' erm, yeah sure take a seat' smiley face from me (internal groan!). Did I get done what I wanted - hell no!! But I heard about sick dogs / hard times / difficult relationships / problematic work relationships / divorce / child birth / how wonderful said child is / pay rises / job descriptions / not claiming for the hours actually done / how beneficial the smoking hut is......... to name a few - GROAN!

Oh well, decided to leave on time instead, after all it can wait until tomorrow. Got home, let my girls out to then started prep for dinner and saw though my kitchen window a cheeky new rose with a low late winter sun.

Hope you like

Happy Thursday

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