All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Checking out his blades

Ethan and I had a repeat of last Thursday today.

Soft play at Scrambles with Lesley and Logan.

A bite to eat there.

Then into Edinburgh for his ice-skating lesson. He managed to walk really well on the skates from the changing room to the ice-rink today, without holding on to me very much. He also very confidently went onto the ice and started pushing the penguin skating aid around. It soon became apparant though that his target was the tricycle at the other end of the rink and as soon as he reached it he demanded he sit on it! In fact he even let go of the penguin and tried to walk to it ... the instructor zoomed over to him VERY quickly at that point to help him! Although he was more keen to go on the trike than use the penguins, he did have 3 attempts with the penguins and was so much more steady on his feet than last week. Again he says he wants to go back next week - just as well since I've now paid for the whole block of classes!

Back home where the Foreveryoungs and Granny & Grandpa were waiting for us. Family dinner of bangers and mash - yum.

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