
Despite what has to count as one of the best Spring seasons that Cumbria has experienced in living memory I've seen very few butterflies in the garden - and I've been out there a lot this year.

But watering the potato plants today this fellow almost seemed to follow me around. He seemed very keen on the pink strawberry flowers I blipped a couple of weeks ago, but I think by his slightly faded colours he must be one of last years.

I finally got back to the first aid stuff today. A steady stream of parcels are arriving - basics like a projector and flip chart, but also more fun items like a choking vest and fake wounds. I've also now got most of the components of my fake bleeding tourniquet leg - it will either be genius or a ghastly messy failure.....

Today I finished 'day 1'. In the end I've rewritten the whole presentation and delivery notes, and written my own training scenarios based on real incidents, but tweaked to meet learning outcomes. I'll finish day 2 next week and then I need to find a willing victim for a trial run.
I've also made arrangements to go and see a couple of venues, and am even toying with a portable generator to let me use the climbing hut.
A mix of modern facilities, fast access to rough ground and not charging a fortune is pretty hard to come by in the Lake District!!

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