The Frontline Club

Down to London for a meeting of the British Association of International Mountain Leader for whom I'm the current Chair.

When we meet its the responsibility of the nearest local Director to arrange things (the Chair delegated that...) and our Partnerships Director excelled with this wonderfully quirky little venue. A private members club for the media industry it transpires that the Explorers Club (very wealthy American organisation) have reciprocal rights here - and our links to them were good enough to book seven of us in.
So an evening in a subsidised bar (lol normal prices for the North) looking at some amazing photo journalism - the first pictures taken of the D-day landings, the famous kiss in Times Square, Ground Zero and a host of others. But interestingly for a photo journal it was these hand drawn sketches from Topologies that were frankly mesmerise. I've settled on these from the Congo Conflict, as frankly the ones from when he entered Belsen with the Allied Troops were too emotive

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