A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Long day

Here we are at 9.30pm, making the most of the lovely long evenings and giving two of the pups a bonus run around the park. These are their getting ready to race faces.

Amazing how long the day feels and how much you can get done when it's light and sunny and there's none of that work and school nonsense in the way. Haircuts for both me and J; and a coffee in the sunshine and chat with my folks. Lovely long swim*, reading in The Chair in glorious sunshine. And a massive sort out of J's room - impressively instigated by himself. A lot of clothes were sorted in a long overdue overhaul and the local charity shops will be benefiting to a certain degree. As will our big yellow space of lovely storageness as, once more, I sat by half-baffled, half-delighted by the amount of sentimental attachment such a rational creature can put in his clothes. Though apparently this is just me confusing sentimentality with irrationalism and that actually he is entirely rational in his sentimentality and therefore it is not at all out of character.

So there.

Made some super faffy but very delicious chocolate caramel bars from a Deliciously Ella recipe so therefore contain no artificial sugars. Or wheat or dairy for that matter. And therefore I will happily demolish all in one sitting telling myself they are good for me...I have frozen some in an attempt to avoid this.

Actually not that good for me at all as I managed to stab myself in the hand in their making in the sort of way that would have turned me into a statistic on one of those embarrassing really stupid ways people injure themselves at home lists had it been bad enough to require medical attention. Fortunately Carl and Anna were there to help me stem the blood flow and administer plasters. Really hurts but trying not to mention it as it will only remind everyone what an idiot I can be.

I'm sure there was other stuff too but I can't remember it and my brain needs to rest as, in complete contrast, tomorrow we have a precision timed morning which involves early starts for me and Carl.

Lesley x

*a mile as I like to keep a record of these things

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