A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Highlight of my day

Walking Anna to her show rehearsal and turned the corner to see this scene of fabulousness. This is our current MP Ruth Cadbury with all the glorious wonderfulness of Eddie Izzard. I love this man so much. But he was mid TV interview so I was SUPER well behaved and kept all my screaming inside and just took this discreet picture instead.

I'm starting to get the tiniest of feelings of hope about the election but am trying to ignore them. Which is easy as there is a louder voice that says all the noise in the media is a cynical ploy to get the complacent Tory vote out. But if there is even the chance that she has miscalculated and ends up with a smaller majority....there has to be some retribution for this car crash campaign.

Still, it's thanks to the election I got to see Eddie Izzard so that's something....

Lesley x

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