Milking it
Too many pond photos yet? This time, if you look carefully, you might see our frog poking his head out if the water. He has a name, but I'm not sure it's a good idea to name things that could be eaten by a hungry heron tomorrow, so I just call him 'the frog'.
Lots of sorting, scrubbing and heavy lifting and the first floor is at the peak of messiness. Here's hoping I can pull it together before Mr B is back tomorrow.
Matters at the school have gone from annoying to incomprehensible. They have now said TallGirl can't use English in her oral because the English teacher won't be on her jury. The English teacher didn't want to be on any juries but volunteered to do them for those (two kids) who wanted to use English; so obviously she's been allocated to different juries.
And I just learned that the school don't want to allow the group that does Latin to have the 20 point extra credit for that. The Latin teacher is incensed and is fighting their corner. She's quite tough, so I might just leave her to it!
TallGirl will be fine any which way (well providing she ever gets around to writing her presentation, though I can see that that's tricky if you don't know which language to use) but that's not the point. Though I'm beginning to lose sight of what the point is.
This evening my cultural/language advisor has assigned me a movie to watch, which is definitely improving one type of language! (Les Petits Mouchoirs, to remind me).
Today is International Milk Day and tomorrow is International Doughnut Day, so around midnight could be a fine snack!
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