
By Lenore

Still hungry...

This was dinner time.... I promise he had enough for dinner and didn't have to eat his bowl to keep hunger at bay...   In reality, he's teething, so isn't the happiest of babies, the upside is that he's loving as many cuddles as he can get at the moment and will giggle away at anyone who distracts him from his teeth.

The camera is at the camera doctors, having been played with too many times by small children.  I'm a bit devastated.  The young man in the shop asked how the focussing ring had come off and I explained it was child related, he looked kind-of bemused and I think quietly questioned my parenting.  I think that one day, when he has children,  he'll think back to the day a strange lady with a huge push chair brought her broken camera in and regret the lack of sympathy he gave me. So, we're on iPhone pictures for up to two weeks, which doesn't bode very well for the quality of pictures. 

New shoes for the eldest today - at last! He's been in the same shoes since January and the man in Clarkes probably thinks I'm stalking him. 

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