............... apparently

On a celebratory blip day I usually have one photo that I’ve taken specially for the day. Today I’ve got so many images I could have posted. And I’m still not sure I’ve chosen the best one (but Igor likes it!!). 

It’s been another fantastically varied day. I had a lemon meringue pie for breakfast. That started my day off in a very different way from normal! We managed to drive into the city and park underground. Our first task was to get to the top of the aqueduct. Too many steps to count and a lot of Japanese tourists taking selfies to get round but we made it. From there we made our way along to the Plaza Mayor and sat for some time drinking cold drinks and watching the most wonderful display of traditional Spanish dancing. The dancers in their costumes were wonderful but there were ordinary people aged from 5 to about 85 joining in with them. The traditional dances must be taught in school still. Everyone knew the steps and excitedly danced along. Imagine ordinary people in this country joining in with Morris Dancers and knowing all the moves!!

When the dancing had finished we went into the Cathedral. It was the opposite of the Tardis. Much smaller on the inside than it looked from the outside. We walked from there to the Alcazar. The opposite end to the view we photographed yesterday. 

By the time we’d made our way from there back to the aqueduct there was excitement of a different kind going on. There were mountain bikers riding down steep city steps to a finish line. They had ridden all the way from Madrid “off road” to Segovia. Madrid is over 100km from Segovia and on the other side of some very steep mountains. A couple of riders fell off on the steps but picked themselves up and all made it to the finish line. Some riders will be arriving back up to 8:00 this evening. We just saw the fast ones.

We’re back at the hotel now feeling tired but satisfied after a brilliant day. Toledo tomorrow.

Extra - Reverse Tardis Cathedral

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