Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Sadie looks at the hooligans !

See the thing is that Jerry (Tits McGees pooch) and my Winnie are a bit like cocker spaniel Bonnie and Clydes... Winnie does not like humans and Jerry is not keen on other dogs (except his pack of regular friends ) .. Tits McGee and I think they the spaniels are plotting world domination .
I do love a pooch with a cheeky personality .
I've noticed that Sadie and Marley ( Marley lives with Jerry ) go and fetch the wayward spaniels when we are calling them back .. Winnie has especially good selective hearing ... its quite clear though that they all have a really lovely bond and that blows the stupid theory that some people have about 'they are only dogs ' .. not so you assholes NOT SO.

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