Hired a little boat today to explore. Went round the whole coast of Gozo as well as over to Comino. Mike was like a pig in muck. Toby so at home on the boat. I was ok once I'd stopped worrying about the kids going overboard.

Second attempt to see the blue lagoon but was very busy in the water near there and we got hit by a massive wake, which chucked us all about a bit. Couldn't get anywhere near any of it! Such a beautiful but spoilt place. Poor little Eva had been having a doze and was woken up by a wave of cold salty sea water which soaked us all.

We anchored in a bay at lunchtime and I went snorkelling. Saw some amazing fish on the reef. Also saw a jelly fish which put me off swimming more! Sadly forgot to reapply suncream and now have bright red back.

Stayed on Ramla beach till 7pm then we all got hungry so home for quick showers and a final meal in the square at Xaghara. I had a gorgeous tuna steak. More chicken nuggets and chips for kids.

Took tonnes of photos with the proper camera of the coastline so I may add more at home when I've got the laptop (though I doubt I'll ever have time). Edit - more added! 

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