And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

passing by!

If you like clouds watch this hey guy's n dolls hope your all ok im feeling really good today :) had a busy morning with one thing and an other. We had a lovely walk down to the park too. Then after lunch I decided to take Ash out again on my OWN may I add haha you all know me by now and my nerves and believe me taking Ash out at lunch time on my own would have been a no no but I did it and enjoyed it too. It wasn't a huge walk but thats not the point, I really do think im getting stronger with the volunteering and solo walks! I must say I think alot is to do with blip I have come such a long way and the fact of getting my camera out every day and getting out doors as really helped me and then all the encouragement off you lovely people x x x

you may have noticed this is not an outside blip haha but I forgot my camera both times I went out so today's blip the room from my lounge watching the clouds go by

love c x x x

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