One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing

....A good old Peter Ustinov film (Yes! I am that old!)

I was off today and decided to get my hair done. I bagged an appointment and was asked what I wanted....well, I was bored with my hair, I've had a similar cut for too long, so I showed them a couple of pics I'd found and we looked at colours and now I have short hair with copper low lights...I love it! 

It was great in the hairdressers as I saw a few people I've seen for ages and we had a good catch up and a laugh. 

As soon as I was done I raced off to Bents Garden Centre to meet up with Audrey. I'd not seen her since she had her accident at work and broke her arm so it was fab to catch up. And...whilst we wandered round the food hall I found the rhubarb and ginger Edinburgh gin that has been recommended to me. They only had the little bottles as it sells out as soon as they stock it apparently. This gin had better live up to the reputation that pre emts it! I was told to mix it with Prosecco and I won't be disappointed.....I shall let you know!

Whilst I was with Audrey, Carole phoned to say she had a spare ticket to the theatre tonight if I wanted to go. I did. Oh, what a brilliant, brilliant show....The Play That Goes was hilarious from start to finish. If you can get to see it then go.

All in all it has been a rather splendid day.  

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