Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Another weeding job

Green Gym at the 'Urb Farm' today as they are having an open week-end.  Theses beds were unrecognisable as beds before 4 of us started on them. One of the 4 was a new recruit and she says she will come again next week, so we didn't frighten her off.
  Came home to clean up and eat and then cast my vote in the local church come community centre.  In the main room a ballroom dancing class was taking place.  Never voted to music before!
Then decided to take my non-rattling car for an outside and inside clean at the local garden centre.  It was raining which meant not many cars were having the same treatment.
Then went to the house of No1 son (who is visiting daughter in Paris this week-end) to feed Izzie the cat, who was actually there!  Wonder if he will go on walk about like he did last time.  At least now I know he will probably be visiting Doris and husband!

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