Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Announcement

Last night's Art Gallery Opening was truly a success and that was obvious at the moment, but it was obvious again today as emails throughout the college family were sent in congratulations.

The first email was a thank you from the Art Gallery Director Karin. She wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

Last night we had a very successful Art Gallery opening on our college campus. There was a steady stream of visitors all night long from the community including mayors, officers from the Naval center, city council members, the superintendent of the Corona/Norco school district, and the 84 year old grandson of the founder of Norco, Peter Clark. We had many staff and students also attend, and to all of my Norco colleagues, many thanks for being there. I value your support.

The exhibition contains historic photos and films dating from 1922, as well as movies and photos about the Norconian Resort, which is now deserted and under lock and key. It is as if, someone said, we have our own Mission Inn in Norco that needs rescuing.

My intent with this exhibit was to fulfill the mission statement of the gallery in having a yearly historical showcase, and to bring the community to the Art Gallery. But it also was a way to make the Norco community more real for our students. Those that have attended so far are impressed more than I expected. It is a very pleasant outcome for me as a curator and educator.

So I encourage you to encourage your students to stop by during the coming weeks to check out what we have going on. The exhibit runs until October 25.

We will be open every day from 12-4, staffed by our work study students. They are proud of their efforts in assisting me with this exhibition and will welcome any visitors to the space.

Thanks so much,
Karin S
Professor Emeritus of Art
Norco College Art Gallery Director

Then one of the professors in the math department responded with this comment:

It was great last night! I brought my Dad with me (22 year resident of
Norco and one of the few people who have actually been inside the
Norconian Hotel) and he absolutely loved it! GREAT JOB!!!

Then one of the vice presidents responded with this:

Dear Karin, I can't begin to express the magic of last night's grand opening reception. The exhibit was fantastic, and the live music performed by Robert, Chuck, and Keith set the perfect tone for an evening to remember. I noticed that people didn't just pop in quickly and leave; they stayed and stayed, enjoying the evening, the art, the music, and each other. You've taken our college to a new level and I am so proud and grateful for all the people who helped to make it happen (facilities, IMC, students, Mayor Bash, and the list goes on).

I also sent Karin my regards for a terrific evening. I wrote:


Thank you for last evening's gala event and thank you to all who made it happen and I know that includes many people. The event was a spectacular "opening" moment for the Norco College's Art Gallery and definitely an enormous gathering of who's who from the Norco/Corona region. This surely is the first of many such events that will follow.

Your comment is so true, "It is as if, someone said, we have our own Mission Inn in Norco that needs rescuing." Thirty-plus years ago the Mission Inn was deserted and under lock and key. A few years ago I took the docent course at the Mission Inn and learned of its story of restoration; the enormous landmark it is today involves many citizens of the Riverside area.

In a campus meeting just this week, someone said that Norco College's property goes to the shoreline of the Lake Norconian; I did not know that. If Norco College could be part of the team that assists in unlocking the future for the Norconian Club, then a number of our students would have the opportunity to understand the magnitude of the history that is in the college's backyard. Some of them may someday find themselves in careers where they are crafting history. I think it would be a regal moment if Norco College's Art Gallery inspired the college's history discipline to "showcase" history through involvement with the local community. I'm curious to see if anything develops with this. You've now helped many acknowledge that our local area overflows with the historical narrative of famous personalities and important moments.

The two of us thoroughly enjoyed attending the event and will be back again to take a closer look. ~~Carol

So that's a second look at the wonderful evening that we enjoyed last night. All the email conversation, however, was threaded through the hours of this day.

More of this new college art gallery can be view on

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It was over 100 degrees here today. It was 97 degrees at Laguna Beach -- good grief! The "heat-wave" has arrived. If you are in a cooler place, stay there.

Good night from an EXTREMELY hot Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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