A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


My legs are doing a splendid job of getting themselves ready for the charity disco event tomorrow. We have now hit our target for that and I am starting to lean more towards it will all go well and be a splendidly fun evening whilst raising funds for a good cause, rather than worrying about all the ways it could go wrong. I suspect the disco legs are helping.

An odd day. Thrilled that my super hard-working centre left MP was rewarded with a massive increase in her majority from 465 to over 12k. And that arrogance has been punished. And that the brakes have been put on the road we were heading down. But hard to feel full pure joy when frankly the government is a mess, we have no-one making the decisions or doing the things we actually need done as they will be all tied up in their internal Westminster drama. Meanwhile nothing changes for underfunded schools and the NHS. And as for Brexit....I wish it hadn't become a party political issue. The referendum wasn't. Perhaps a group of centrist cross-party grown-ups can sneak off and negotiate with Europe whilst the toddlers are distracted.

Meanwhile the big news here is that Jackson went to school for basically a whole morning (their timings are a bit odd) and it all went very well.

And now I'm going to sit in the sun and listen to the News Quiz and relish our ability to retain a sense of humour.

Lesley x

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