A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A pillar of the community

Today started a little low but has gone in the right direction....

J woke with a cold and a cough and a temperature. I had an early morning webinar. Followed by a Iovely but really quite hot walk with Albi through Chiswick House.

Post lunch J picked up and we had a game of Kittens in the garden. And snack and a break and then a game of football with Albi before Peri came home with Anna and I headed out to meet my friend Orna in a local hostelry.

Back home to find Anna and Peri had created an obstacle course in the garden. J came down to have a turn before bed and delighted himself by beating both of their times on his first attempt. A Simpsons all together and then bedtime for the kids.

Carl is out at a band rehearsal so a chance for an early night for me and hopefully after a good day all round some much needed sleep.

So a day that started out looking like no great shakes has actually turned out really quite fine.

Lesley x

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