Kendal in the sunshine

After yesterday's rainy post, I thought that, in the interests of balance, I'd grab a photo today of Kendal in the sunshine. I walked in at lunchtime to do a couple of chores and pick up a birthday present for the Minx's mum, whose birthday it is today.

I was toying with buying her Helen Dunmore's 'The Malarky' but a) I haven't yet read it myself and b) I'm dubious about giving people books of poetry. So, in the end I went for Iain Banks' 'The Crow Road', which is a brilliant read and which I think she's far more likely to enjoy. I still miss Iain Banks; his dependable routine of a novel a year was a happy part of my life. 

We had a lovely evening, too, as the Minx, miniMinx and I took the Minx's mum to The Rectory for dinner. For a converted church, they haven't done a hugely imaginative job but the food was excellent, including kebabs served on a suspended metal skewer.

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