In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Grey Day'

The blip Dilemma, which shot to choose?

We went down to the lake to photograph 'The Tree' in the lake this morning, the weather was still very grey and light sprinkles were falling. This didn't stop us from taking at least 30 or 40 shots down along the lakes edge.

After that we hooked up with 'The Boss' & 'The Bosses' for the kids to meet Tussock. She sure is a beautiful dog and had a good sniff of us all to check out us Aussies. We talked shop and cameras for about an hour before heading just out of town to tackle the Mount Iron walk with the kids and Ahma.

This shot was taken from the summit looking back towards the hills to the south of Wanaka. We were up above the clouds and I loved to monochromatic look to this shot.

After the walk we went for a short scenic drive around part of the lake, what a sensational place this is.

Might upload some of the other possible blips later including 'The Tree'. HERE it is for what it's worth and an alternative take HERE.

Sad to be saying goodbye to this little part of the world tomorrow.

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