In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Here It Is'

Woke up early this morning to check the weather and luckily no rain. It was our last morning in Wanaka and I hadn't blipped the famous tree in the lake yet, so out I set with camera and tripod down to the lake before anyone else was awake yet. There were two others down there taking photographs as well.

The lake was quite still so managed to get some nice reflections. Also took a lot of other shots of the sun rising over the hills and reflecting down on to the lake.

Got back to the room and packed up ready to head up towards Lake Tekapo, stopping several times along the side of the road to shoot off a couple of more rounds. We had a great Japanese lunch overlooking the blue lake and then went for a walk down on the banks and took more shots while the kids threw rocks into the water to see what would happen. You get wet of course and D did (again). At least this time it was only some splashes on his jeans and didn't require a full costume change. What a stunning lake this is, couldn't believe how blue the water is.

Headed off to Timaru to catch up with another Blipper 'Mario' who very kindly met us at our motel and showed us around his town. We parked the car down at Caroline Bay and walked along the new boardwalk and through the park getting a great history lesson from Mario along the way. We saw quite a bit in our hour and a half tour and learned a lot along the way. It was great to meet up with (and put a personality to) another NZ blipper who both myself and Mrs Rosewarne have been following back home.

Thanks for sharing your time and local knowledge with us Mario.

Tomorrow heading back up to Christchurch, but will take the back road which is supposed to be a more scenic route.

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