In the Park

It was so nice not to have to get up this morning! Mr K took the Little Misses off to swimming and I stayed in bed catching up with Blips (as ever there are a few backblips!!) drinking tea and listening to the film review on Radio 5. Lovely!!
The day was mostly spent tidying, doing laundry and mopping floors while Mr K mowed the lawns, did the cutting in that's needed doing for weeks in the downstairs toilet, tied up the broad bean plants as they're now laden with pods and will start to collapse under their own weight soon, and attempted - again - to re-seed the dead patch on the lawn that's been under the trampoline for the last six months. We did it before we went to France but it didn't work. We'll see!!
At 2pm I took the Little Misses over to the park to meet Miss A and Miss J. While we were waiting for them to arrive I warned Miss E not to walk around barefoot as there were millions of bees buzzing around the ground in the clover. She put her shoes back on with fairly bad grace and then naturally trod on a bee and was distraught as it lay dying in agony looking a bit worse for wear on the ground. I put it out of its misery which tipped her completely over the edge. Sigh!!
Luckily she recovered once Miss A arrived! And I had a nice chat with Mrs F as we sat in the sun.
After an hour or so I headed home and Mr K said my mum had popped in and had taken Maisie and Elsie for a walk over the fields. He said she'd not been gone that long so I bundled Archie into the boot and set off to meet her. 
It turned out his awareness of time was somewhat skewed as she'd finished her walk and was back in the car by the time I got there! 
Elsie was very excited to set off again for a second walk. Maisie less so!!
Mum came back for a cup of tea and a chat out in the garden. Then it was dinner for the Little Misses before they were packed off to bed, Mr K went up to play with his friends and I settled down to The Voice: Kids. 
Miss E has been suffering from hay fever recently for the first time ever and deals with it in her usual stoic, uncomplaining way. 
Oh wait, no, she's shrieking like a banshee, clawing at her eyes and nose, sniffing and wailing and grunting all at the same time and behaving generally as if she's dying of the plague.
She came down for some Piriton at about 9pm and sat with me watching The Voice: Kids. When it had finished I rewound it and she watched the ones she'd missed.
She was transfixed bless her!!

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