At the Pub

A busy Sunday today. Mostly involving driving back and forth to Milton Keynes!
Last night I booked the cheap early showing of Beauty and the Beast. 
Cheap is good.
Early is bad!!
We needed to leave the house by 9.30am and when I woke up I was disturbed to see it was 9.05am!
A quick shower, lots of yelling at the Little Misses to get dressed and clean their teeth and it was in to the car with us. With a travel mug of tea and soaking wet hair.
We made it to the cinema with minutes to spare. 
Just enough time to pick up popcorn and kiddy boxes!
I didn't have high expectations of the film - I thought I'd just be watching Hermione in a dress wandering around another castle! But I LOVED it. It was sweet and uplifting. I may have welled up a little at the end!! It's not a film that's going to change the world but I left with a big smile on my face and with the world the way it is at the moment that can only be a good thing.
From there we drove home and I just had time for a cup of tea and some toast, to wrap a present for Miss E to take to Miss M's party, to get her to write a card (and then find a new envelope because she'd wiped greasy chocolate briochey fingerprints all over it. Sigh.) before it was time to head back to Milton Keynes for Miss M's party. Bad planning on my part as it would have been much more sensible just to stay in Milton Keynes for an hour after the cinema rather than coming home. Oh well!!
I dropped Miss E off at Miss M's house and was treated to the sight of half a dozen squealy excited girls getting into their swimming things to jump into the paddling pool. Ace!!
Then it was home again.
Mr K and Miss L had taken Archie out across the fields to Stowe and when they got to the pub Mr K called me to come and have a drink/collect them.
We had a lovely half hour in the sun with our funny Miss L. She wasn't actually drinking the beer despite how these photos look. She was very much enjoying a glass of lemonade!
The there was just time for a cup of tea at home before heading back to get Miss E.
I went a different way because I couldn't face the same drive again!!
They were still in the paddling pool when I got there and Miss E had clearly had a lovely time. Another cup of tea while they got changed and watched Miss M blow out the candles on her cake.
Then it was back home to meet Miss A, Miss J at the park. I let Mr K do the honours as I was pretty knackered by now and a bit shaky after drinking far too much tea!!
Dinner, baths, a bit of Zootropolis and nit combing and then it was bed time.

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