Day out

We've had a GLORIOUS day. By 8am we were up, bathed, fed and driving to the station. We did her ballet braids as we waited for the train. Today we were going for a day out to Leeds as Katie was doing a ballet class at Northern Ballet, an RAD syllabus class. I'd booked tickets that allowed us plenty of time either side of her class so we had a cup of tea when we got there then a leisurely stroll round the Corn Exchange. She told me she thought I would really enjoy a look round the vintage camera shop she spotted, which I of course did. We had a great chat with the owner of the small guitar shop, a fabulous time looking in the fair trade shop. The goth shop scared her a bit with the skeletons and such (Whitby might be off the cards a few more years, Grandad) and she watched the table tennis in the centre with fascination. We walked to near Northern and found a nice spot to have our picnic before heading to class.

We were sat in the foyer waiting when I saw a lady stood beside me. I asked if we were in her way and she said "No! I am Mambo from Blip!" She recognised my tiny dancer! I've been blipping over 7 years now and that's a first- a wonderful first! Katie was whisked off to class and we were left to enjoy a very pleasant surprise chat- thank you for coming over to talk to us! I hope our dancers' paths cross again in the future.

The children were returned to us, about 20 minutes late but I wasn't surprised as there'd been quite a bit of confusion about timings, class length, details. She'd had a brilliant time and I suspect had worked hard from the amount she immediately needed to eat. She and one other girl were noticeably smaller and younger than the others but it doesn't phase her. It's the same in her studio. The admin staff said she'd done brilliantly and looked like she was having a great time.

We headed back into the city. She'd spotted a sweetcorn cart & begged for a cup as it was a treat she used to enjoy when we got the train to her old ballet. We had a fabulously brilliant half hour in Lush. She was allowed to choose two bath bombs for demonstrations and also some of the amazing bubble bath bars. The lady showed her how to blow bubbles with it. She loved it. We took a walk over to the Lego store. She built a model and they gave her a Polaroid photo of it in a wee frame. I let her buy a Lego figure and she chose to make one of herself- she found ballet tights legs/leotard/curly dark ponytail and a saxophone! We spent a bit of time in the Apple Store to charge my phone so she had a play on the demo iPad in the kids area. As we left the shopping centre, she took what was left of the picnic- a pile of lettuce leaves. She piled them all in her mouth. So we stopped to buy some more food!

Back at the station, We found a "play me" piano and she happily played as much as she could remember of her exam pieces. It was great to see it not phasing her at all.

Our train arrived and we had to do some quite animated entertaining of the Katie as she was quite set to have a snuggle and it was not a time of day for 7 year old girls to go to sleep! She told me that the day had been "absolutely brilliantly amazingly good".

We made it home without her sleeping and she went off to build a new band so "Lego Me Katie" could play. She tugged at my heart quite a bit though- she was showing me all the different things... the drum kit, the grand piano, photographer, ice cream stand... and the tables by the door where bags have to be checked to keep the people safe.

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