Nellie Travels

By Padstowbabe

The auction mart.

I went to a cattle sale at the mart.

Round the ring is a mixture of buyers and farmers most of whom I know.

Most of the calves sold here go as store calves...that is to grow on on another farmer's farm. The climate and altitude here makes it unsuitable for fattening cattle and they are sold on, although a few of them would be fat enough.

This is a great pen of calves. In years gone by many of the cattle lots sold would have been as big in number as this one but no more. Many farmers here have stopped rearing cattle due to costs and beaurocracy. This pen cheered me up today....they are beautiful!!

Above the auctioneers head is a light which goes on to let the buyers know that the animals are Farm Assured... that is reared to certain standards of welfare, hygiene etc. I am responsible for the light being there. Below it is a blue sign which says "Scotch Quality Beef and Lamb!. I one of my previous lives jobs..... a vet working for that organisation. It was my dream job!! I was able to attend the weekly marts and spend the day talking to farmers and crofters.....and got paid into the bargain!!!!

Farmers in general, and round here in particular, are a unique and fantastic bunch of people. They are honest and hardworking. They are stoical. They just get on with it!! They battle horrible weather and get little back in return. They have a dry wit and tell it like it is. And believe me ......round here they are farming because it's a way of life they value and they love their animals. I really enjoy their company!!

I had THE BEST day catching up with old friends!!

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