
By Lenore

Pretty horse

It was my 'turn' this morning to answer the 6am cry for 'please can I get out of my cot'.  6am is pretty good and almost a lie-in.  I'm pretty good in the morning (rubbish in the evening), but at some point between 6 and 6.30, I quickly became the person who got out of bed the wrong side.  The eldest was shouted at (and then cuddled on the kitchen floor), the youngest was tactfully removed from the kitchen by the husband before he was also shouted at (well, he got a minor gruffness and the lower lip did start to go).  Sorry everyone.  And my husband, he was on hand to give me a hug and tell me he loved me, even when I woke up particularly grumpy.  This was enough to make me laugh and almost shook my out of my horrible mood.  

Still feeling particularly otherwise this afternoon, I went out for a run / walk with the pushchair (and children).  We went past a field with a beautiful horse peering at us over the gate.  By the time I'd got the push-chair off the road, helped the eldest out of the push chair, and then back in, saved the push-chair from toppling over and got the phone out, the horse had wondered off and turned his back on us.  So his friend, who was peering out of his part of the field was the subject of the day - and mighty fine he looks as well. 

Early night tonight. 

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