
By YellowTeddy

"Tiny science!"

"Tiny science!"
We dissected a dandelion, a daisy and a pretty purple weed (not sure what it's called!) and looked at the component parts. We discovered a dandelion is made up of lots of little individual flowers, each with one petal. The little purple weed had large anther and we could see the pollen grains on it under a microscope. We even found the pollen grains on the dandelion anther and could see the filaments of the seeds. We could see the ovary of the daisy but unfortunately not in much detail because it was too thick.
We discussed plant reproduction too and both boys loved using the microscope to see a world of "tiny science" according to Will.
I've added some extra photos of Will looking down the microscope and various flower parts.
I love home ed!

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