
What I will say about the route up and over The Granites and down to Heriot and then onto Humbie is....it's a lot easier when you're not on antibiotics. Last time I did it back in the Autumn-medication days I really struggled, today it was fine.

And then just as I was heading to Haddington and onto the coast I spotted someone walking their bike by the side of the road. I naturally asked if she was OK - she'd punctured and she asked if I'd give her a hand rather than walking her bike the 2 miles to Gifford where she was headed. I did help her out, replacing the inner tube and putting the tyre back on (eventually, it took ages), pumping it up, putting the wheel back on as well, pretty much all of it really. And I was thinking whilst I was doing it that this meant I wouldn't get near the 100 miles I had sort of targeted as I had to be back for 3.30, but I reckoned that I was doing a good deed and that this kind of thing is all about karma so it was fine. And then, right at the end, just as we were about to go our separate ways, it came up in conversation that she lived next door to one of the teachers at the school where I'm going to be come August, and that she would be singing my praises to her. Karma indeed then, a little quicker than I expected. Oh, and the ride came in at 81 miles in the end which was more than I'd ridden before so I was more than happy. And, there's always another day...


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