The Finishing Touch

This is the window display at The Finishing Touch, the cake shop where I buy all the fancy stuff I need for my cakes and cake decorating tools. The shop has amazing stuff in it, but the ladies who run the shop are usually rather grumpy, with the exception of one or two. I don't know why!

A rather busy day off today. I had to catch up with my list of things to do, I went to the cake shop to get a cake box, ribbon and other bits and pieces and then I went to the gym. After the gym, as I went past the Royal Mile, I went to talk to my friend Mirek, the watercolour artist, because I have some watercolour paints at home I'm not using, which I was thinking to take to a chariy shop. So, anyway, I asked him if he wanted them, since I'd rather give them to someone who's gonna use them. He was very happy with the offer. I went home after that and then I had to go and buy the ingredients for the cake and food for myself.

It's funny because, when I was waiting for the bus to go to the cake shop, I saw Arthur, the resident homeless man in Leith Walk, and I offered him a couple of quid so he could get himself a coffee. He refused the money and instead he offered me a pie that someone had given to him because he was not hungry, which I politely refused. The irony!

Anyway, back home now. I'll have some dinner and then I'll meet a couple of friends for a drink later on.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my experimental flower shot. I hope you're all having a great weekend! :)

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