A flower through a glass

I didn't particularly like any of the photos I took today on my way to work so, when I got home, I decided to try this experiment. I like the result! So, a bit of an experimental arty one today!

It was sunny today but windy and rather cold. At least it was not rainy! And I'm glad it wasn't, because work was crazy and busy enough as it was. So yes, a rather stressful day and I'm glad it's all over. The best thing is that I'm off at the weekend! Although I have a busy weekend ahead, at least I won't be working! I need to catch up with lots of stuff and buy the ingredients for the wedding cake I'm making for next week. The sugar paste roses are made, so that's one less thing I have to think about!

Of course you'll see the cake next week once it's finished! :)

I'm not planning to go out this evening, but things might change as they always do in my unpredictable life!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

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