A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Tea or cake or death

Happy birthday Carlos!

Woke up feeling much better and able to face the day so some combination of mega vitamins, over the counter medicines and hot curry worked. It certainly wasn't sleep as we were very weak-willed and stayed up far too late with a three-episode sitting of Homeland as we catch up with the much (and rightly so) hyped series.

Football training for the boys, dancing and shopping for the girls. Who says stereotypes aren't alive and (high) kicking?! Then off to an amazingly located pub and splendid lunch by the river at the Bell and Crown. Apparently there has been a pub on the site since 1722.

The afternoon was spent with a surprisingly enjoyable afternoon buying a car. Turns out by happy coincidence mid September is a marvellous time to buy a car with targets / quotas looming and deals to be done if you are reasonably flexible about what you want and when you get it. So we haven't got the car we went in for which we would have had to wait 6-9months for and pay a king's ransom each month as it is far too popular. So instead we have chosen a much less popular car that actually exists in a car showroom in Bradford and will be making its way down to us in the next week or two.

Home in time for a cheeky lie down before friends arrived for a birthday curry buffet, cake and fizz. The kids even managed to break away from their various games in the garden for a quick round of cake or tea or death with the birthday boy.

I even indulged him with his wish for a pair of light coloured shoes. I think he's had a good day. And now time for one (or two...) more Homeland episodes.

Cake please
Lesley x

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