A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Birthday present

The start of Birthdover in our house - a 6 week 2 day festival encompassing all of our birthdays. Carlos kicked off the proceedings with his birthday today and Jackson obligingly marked the occasion with a goal. I would show you the ball in the net shot but the dejected face of the goalie is heart-wrenching and Jackson was a little mobbed in the celebration. So here we have the sliding kick that made the goal.

Birthday treats continued with lunch at Byron and Monsters University at the cinema.

Then a couple of hours in our local with the latest in his fine collection of quantum physics books for the birthday boy. I know, he can really party. I have chosen to find it endearing that this is one of his favourite ways to relax. Due to the nature of his job he spends almost every waking hour interacting with other people and, as much as I know he loves hanging out with us, he does relish the chance to hide in a book.

Now, do I indulge him with some more sci-fi....

Lesley x

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