Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Chewing The Cud

The boys went off to school and then I went off for a day out to Hebden Bridge (again). I'd been telling my Mum about the fab shops there and she wanted to see them for herself. It was pouring with rain the whole time (again) so didn't get a blip from Hebden Bridge itself. We had a cuppa in a cafe and a mooch around the shops...Mum treated me to a groovy new lamp and she bought herself a magazine basket. On the way back home, on the motorway, my phone was ringing away in a bag in the back of the car so I could only answer it once we were having our dinner...still some miles from home. It was my Dad telling me that the school had been trying to contact me. Lewis had been punched in the eye by another pupil and Dad told me that I had to phone the school. The school head of year told me what had happened: a boy thought that Lewis had called him a name but Lewis was adament that he hadn't. The boy punched him in the eye Lewis punched him back. The school head of year told me that another teacher had seen the whole incident, that Lewis was telling the truth and the teacher had even told him he was right to stand up for himself by hitting him back! That's unusual advice these days...but I do agree with it. The boy is well known for hitting out like that and he has been suspended for two days before he has to report back to school with his parents next Monday. The head of year told Lewis: "I completely understand if you don't feel like coming into school tomorrow". That was practically entitling Lewis to the day off tomorrow.....seeing as I'm rota'd off and having my hair done, it's the last thing I want (ha!). HIs eye is not too bad but we need to contact the school tomorrow and sort out what's happening.

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