Overgrown (Day 769)

As I drove the dogs up the track to the bottom of the hill this morning, a hare raced along in front of the van. The dogs instantly pinned their noses to the windscreen and adopted full hunting poses. There was a bit of howling to encourage me to drive faster. I waited 'til the hare had bounded through a fence before opening the door and being knocked out of the van by two dogs intent of catching the disappearing hare. They were unsuccessful.
Back home and after coffee, I trundled to Stromness to do a five minute job, and collect something for Mum. The collection resulted in another small job, which made the trip worth it. I popped in to see Mum and dropped off her stuff, then headed home for lunch and dog walking.
I saw my beautiful wife briefly as she came home from work then headed off to Stromness.
I've been a good boy and done some gardening. If you can call hacking the hedge to bits and cutting the grass gardening.
I liked this tractor being smothered by weeds and grass at Wasdale today.

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