Buttercups (Day 770)

The morning wander up the hill with the dogs was dry, bright and reasonably warm this morning.
Back at home, we set about the horrible task of dealing with a freezer we hadn't realised had stopped working. It was one of a couple which we used to store bones for the dogs and it hadn't been opened for a while. It was really unpleasant.
Later I zoomed off to see a potential customer whilst my beautiful wife zoomed off to run an errand. We met back at home and scooted off to walk at Brodgar with the dogs. The view across the Loch of Stenness to Hoy looks great with a foreground of buttercups.
As Mrs. P went off to work later on, I trundled off to a job at Birsay.
I have two or three little jobs to do tomorrow... Hurrah!

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